ACT Prep Syllabus

Southfield High School Syllabus


Department: Mathematics


Teacher:  Ms. Crum                                                                          Room: C203

 Email:                                   Phone:  248-746-8600

Website:                           Conference Period: 2nd   Hour                                       




This class prepares the prospective student applying to any college to overview the types of Mathematics content that will be tested on the ACT college entrance exam.  The ACT is required by more four-year colleges than any other college entrance exam. This course is designed to help students improve their test taking skills, specifically for the mathematics portion of the ACT/Michigan Merit Exam. This is done by introducing the students to test taking strategies, systematic mathematics skill, and taking practice tests.


1. Three-ring binder with 6 dividers
2. Loose-leaf notebook paper
3. Several pencils (preferably mechanical pencils)

4. Graphing calculator (The mathematics department recommends the TI-83 or TI-84 Plus for all of our students. This calculator provides the technology that is most appropriate for all of the mathematics taught in high school and in the early years of college. The TI-83 or TI-84 Plus calculators are also allowed for use on the ACT College Entrance Exam.  Please do not purchase a TI-85, TI-86, TI-89 or TI-92 since these calculators have advanced features which our students will not use and they lack basic features which are necessary for our students.) At the very least, you will need a scientific calculator for this class.


  1. Follow directions.
  2. Be present, prepared, and on time every day.
  3. Be respectful to others. Treat your fellow classmates as well as your teacher with respect.
  4. Foul or derogatory language is not allowed in this classroom.
  5. Raise your hand if you want to be recognized.
  6. Tardiness is unacceptable. Do not arrive late to this class.
  7. Do not eat food or candy or drink any liquid other than water in class.
  8. Hand in your homework when you first arrive in class. All homework is due in the beginning of the class period.



Academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic zero (0) on the assignment and a possible F in corresponding card marking.




The semester is divided into three card markings of approximately six weeks each.  At the end of each grading period, students will be assigned a grade reflecting their achievement for that card marking based on the number of points earned.  At the end of a card marking, the points will be divided by the number of possible points a student may have earned in order to calculate final percentage.





The points designated for each assignment will be based on its difficulty and importance.  Every assignment, activity, project, essay, etc. will be worth a number of points.  A percentage is matched to a letter grades as follows:


100-94 = A                                                            77-74 = C             

93-90 = A-                                                             73-70 = C-

89-88= B+                                                             69-68 = D+

87-84 = B                                                              67-64 = D

83-80 = B-                                                             63-60 = D-

79-78 = C+                                                            59-0   = F



Students are expected to make up all work missed due to an excused absence from class for any reason.  It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that their absence gets recorded as excused on Zangle by the attendance office.  Students will be given the number of class periods missed plus one (1) to turn in missed assignments and class work. Extenuating circumstances may require teacher and student to negotiate reasonable time lines for making up work that both can accept. If a student has an unexcused absence, he/she will not be allowed to make up assignments or tests(s) for that particular day.



Late work is unacceptable for any reason other than an excused absence from school.



In this course the study of mathematics intensifies and students will be expected:

  • To accept responsibility for your own learning.
  • To follow the Southfield Public Schools Board of Education Policy and the Southfield High School Code of Conduct. This includes dress code, electronic devices, and hats.
  • To get to class on time every day. Tardiness will not be tolerated Attendance is a significant part of your class participation percentage. It is vital to achieve the objectives of this course. Extensive absences will significantly lower your grade. Makeup work is only given for excused absences. Otherwise, late work will not be accepted. If you know ahead of time that you will be absent, you must get your work in advance in order to receive credit.
  • You are responsible for finding out what you have missed while you are absent.  Make sure to copy any notes missed from a fellow classmate.  Make a study buddy.
  • To come to class prepared everyday to participate.
  • To bring their supplies to class every day.
  • Passes will be only given at the teacher’s discretion during emergency situations. You must be wearing your student ID in those extenuating situations. Make sure to use your passing time wisely. Passes are rarely given.
  • To do their own work. Cheating will not be tolerated. Any student caught cheating will be given a zero for the assignment or examination. This applies to those receiving answers as well as those giving answers.